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PROGRESS "Revelations of Divine Love" risultati

Risultati dello show della PROGRESS che si è tenuto al Dome di Tufnell Park, Londra

PROGRESS Women's title #1 contendership - First round: Jinny batte Candyfloss
PROGRESS Women's title #1 contendership - First round: Millie McKenzie batte Sierra Loxton
PROGRESS Women's title #1 contendership - First round: Chakara batte Zoe Lucas
PROGRESS Women's title #1 contendership - First round: Charli Evans batte Charli Morgan
PROGRESS Women's title #1 conterndership - Semifinal: Charli Evans batte Chakara
PROGRESS Women's title #1 condership - Semifinal: Jinny batte Millie McKenzie
non-tournament: David Francisco batte Charlie Carter, Mauro Chaves e The OJMO
PROGRESS Women's title #1 contendership - Final: Charli Evans batte Jinny. Charli Evans sfiderà Toni Storm per il titolo




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